Tuesday, March 24, 2009 | Author: Juka
Brand manager at Bisco Misr had the following to say in response to our thread on their products:

a) Luxe: as i can see that most of you liked it, it is actually our fastest moving product. so its very unlikely for its taste to be affected by storage, maybe its a coincidence, maybe if you buy it, Inji, from a different retailer you won't find that taste.

Abdallah: We don't have 2 luxe biscuits, only 1. The other Tea Biscuit is a totally different brand, but its very good as well, i love it , personally.

And their packaging is different one is gold (Luxe), the other (Tea Biscuit) is orange/ yellow with a cup of tea on it.

As for being able to differentiate between Hohos & Twinkies: they're two different types of cakes and not "the same but different flavors". Hohos is a chocolate swiss roll ; while twinkies is cake filled with cream.
And Chispsey their all the same design but with different variances, which is the color of the pack and the flavor illustration.

So having the same design and changing only the color, is a typical branding approach in any product with different flavors.

b) Ramsis: i have to admit that its not as good as before, but we are currently working on the development of lots of our products and Bisco Ramsis is definitely one of them.

c) Kahk: Glad you all liked it as well, its one of the company's not product but rather a tradition. Their packaging was updated but not the total face lift. As for the advertising, only last year we didn't make any campaign for the kahk but before that it was a must every year. ISA we'll go back to that.

d) Date bars: we did give it a total face lift and it was re-launched under the brand name Datto, with the same great taste.

But as we have part of our consumers who likes the traditional Date Bars products, although their the same product/ recipe, we kept it with the old name & packaging on very small scale only in our outlets.

e) Corn flakes: is one of the recent products that went under development. The improved corn flakes will be launched in the market very very soon, with packaging indicating that this is the improved one. We have 3 flavors: plain, chocolate and honey.
And we will also launch 2 new flavors: Frosties & Raisins and Almonds.

Please all try them and let me what you think :)

f) our outlets: we have outlets covering most of Cairo, Alex and some governerates as well. You can find them all on our website:


g) Bimbo and Shorty are competitors products.

h) Advertising in general: we know it's very important but the company policy right now is to focus on internal improvements, product recipes and taste, then to go above the line. But we will have some ads in 2009 ISA.

Finally, thank you all for sharing your opinion, and I'm really glad that some of us still have this spirit of being loyal to our local products and wanting them to change and improve.
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On March 24, 2009 at 6:05 AM , Noblese said...

Found your blog by chance and I like it. I like to see/know the changes in the Egyptian market.
Keep it up!

On January 25, 2012 at 6:28 AM , Fadfadation said...

i used to like bisco masr :)

On July 13, 2013 at 10:42 PM , Dina said...

why did you stop your work? its a great idea!