Sunday, February 01, 2009 | Author: Going Local
Every other day my phone goes off and it’s an SMS to the effect of “Boycott Danish goods” or "Show solidarity to Palestine, boycott US products”. This has held true for Dutch products and of course products coming from the occupied territories. Now I’m all for it. I’m sure the 3 mobile operators are making a killing. Yet that’s not my concern. EU manufacturers have started to label goods as “Made in the EU”, them Europeans stick together and I applaud that, 3o2balna ya 3arab. So now your options are, being a devout concerned Arab citizen and all, is to boycott all US and EU products. So basically your options currently is to buy Asian.

I have a different proposition for you. Lets buy Egypt! Lets buy Arab products. Even better lets produce Arab products. Walk into your local supermarket and tally up what percentage of the products you’ve bought were manufactured locally. Then think to your purchase decision mechanism, did you automatically dismiss the local substitute for the global brand?I know it’s a lot to ask, and that yes you’ll miss your gourmet coffees, teas and meals. Yet for a change. Lets be proactive. Lets BUY EGYPT!
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On February 5, 2009 at 4:46 AM , Anonymous said...

It is very important to raise awareness on how to support our Egyptian economy.

On March 7, 2009 at 12:07 AM , Going Local said...

Thanks Anon, feel free to spread the word and share our logo and links on your blog or facebook profile.